Our cancer research is broad and multidimensional, but we are driven by a singular goal—to mitigate the impact of cancer in people’s lives.

Our investigators examine every angle of cancer, from screening and prevention to cancer’s genetic and genomic underpinnings. Our work explores the comparative effectiveness of cancer treatments, quality-of-life issues associated with the disease, and the economic burden of cancer at the individual, family, community, and health system level.

We have been conducting oncology clinical trials in the Kaiser Permanente delivery system since 1972, beginning with the pioneering work of Andrew Glass, MD, who founded the oncology department at Kaiser Permanente Northwest (KPNW). Other cancer researchers have used KPNW’s comprehensive tumor registries to study cervical, breast, prostate, and other major cancers. Cancerous tissue samples, stored by the KPNW Department of Pathology since 1971, are linked to data-rich health records, providing a unique wealth of information to help scientists link lifestyle, diet, and family history to cancer risk.

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