
Publications – 2003

Andrade SE, Majumdar SR, Chan KA, Buist DS, Go AS, Goodman M, Smith DH, Platt R, Gurwitz JH. Low frequency of treatment of osteoporosis among postmenopausal women following a fracture. Arch Intern Med. 2003 Sep 22;163(17):2052-7. PubMed

Appel LJ, Champagne CM, Harsha DW, Cooper LS, Obarzanek E, Elmer PJ, Stevens VJ, Vollmer WM, Lin PH, Svetkey LP, Stedman SW, Young DR, Writing Group of the PREMIER Collaborative Research Group. Effects of comprehensive lifestyle modification on blood pressure control: main results of the PREMIER clinical trial. JAMA. 2003 Apr 23-30;289(16):2083-93. PubMed

Berrington de Gonzalez A, Ekbom A, Glass AG, Galanti MR, Grimelius L, Allison MJ, Inskip PD. Comparison of documented and recalled histories of exposure to diagnostic x-rays in case-control studies of thyroid cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 2003 Apr 1;157(7):652-63. PubMed

Bohlke K, Davis RL, Marcy SM, Braun MM, DeStefano F, Black SB, Mullooly JP, Thompson RS, Vaccine Safety Datalink Team. Risk of anaphylaxis after vaccination of children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2003 Oct;112(4):815-20. PubMed

Brown JB. Computer-simulated modelling in the management of diabetes. Diabetes Voice. 2003;48(4):33-5. PubMed

Brown JB, Nichols GA. Slow response to loss of glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Am J Manag Care. 2003 Mar;9(3):213-7. PubMed

Brown JB, Pedula KL, Summers KH. Diabetic retinopathy: contemporary prevalence in a well-controlled population. Diabetes Care. 2003 Sep;26(9):2637-42. PubMed

Carder PC, Vuckovic N, Green CA. Negotiating medications: patient perceptions of long-term medication use. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2003 Oct;28(5):409-17. PubMed

Castle PE, Lorincz AT, Scott DR, Sherman ME, Glass AG, Rush BB, Wacholder S, Burk RD, Manos MM, Schussler JE, Macomber P, Schiffman M. Comparison between prototype hybrid capture 3 and hybrid capture 2 human papillomavirus DNA assays for detection of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cancer. J Clin Microbiol. 2003 Sep;41(9):4022-30. PubMed

Cauley JA, Zmuda JM, Lui LY, Hillier TA, Ness RB, Stone KL, Cummings SR, Bauer DC. Lipid-lowering drug use and breast cancer in older women: a prospective study. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2003 Oct;12(8):749-56. PubMed

Chen Z, Pettinger MB, Ritenbaugh C, LaCroix AZ, Robbins J, Caan BJ, Barad DH, Hakim IA. Habitual tea consumption and risk of osteoporosis: a prospective study in the women's health initiative observational cohort. Am J Epidemiol. 2003 Oct 15;158(8):772-81. PubMed

Clarke G, DeBar L, Lewinsohn PM. Cognitive behavioral group treatment for adolescent depression. In: Kazdin AE, Weisz JR, editors. Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents. New York: Guilford Press, 2003. PubMed

Clarke G, DeBar L, Lynch F, Wisdom J. Issues in the prevention of depression in women: A commentary on Le, Muñoz, Ippen, and Stoddard. Prev Treat. 2003;6(1):Article 12. PubMed

Craddick SR, Elmer PJ, Obarzanek E, Vollmer WM, Svetkey LP, Swain MC. The DASH diet and blood pressure. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2003 Nov;5(6):484-91. PubMed

Curry SJ, Hollis J, Bush T, Polen M, Ludman EJ, Grothaus L, McAfee T. A randomized trial of a family-based smoking prevention intervention in managed care. Prev Med. 2003 Dec;37(6 Pt 1):617-26. PubMed

Davidson KW, Goldstein M, Kaplan RM, Kaufmann PG, Knatterud GL, Orleans CT, Spring B, Trudeau KJ, Whitlock EP. Evidence-based behavioral medicine: what is it and how do we achieve it?. Ann Behav Med. 2003 Dec;26(3):161-71. PubMed

DeBar LL, Lynch F, Powell J, Gale J. Use of psychotropic agents in preschool children: associated symptoms, diagnoses, and health care services in a health maintenance organization. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Feb;157(2):150-7. PubMed

DeBar LL, Vuckovic N, Schneider J, Ritenbaugh C. Use of complementary and alternative medicine for temporomandibular disorders. J Orofac Pain. 2003 Summer;17(3):224-36. PubMed

DeStefano F, Verstraeten T, Jackson LA, Okoro CA, Benson P, Black SB, Shinefield HR, Mullooly JP, Likosky W, Chen RT, Vaccine Safety Datalink Research Group NIPCfDCaP. Vaccinations and risk of central nervous system demyelinating diseases in adults. Arch Neurol. 2003 Apr;60(4):504-9. PubMed

Dorgan JF, Hunsberger SA, McMahon RP, Kwiterovich PO Jr, Lauer RM, Van Horn L, Lasser NL, Stevens VJ, Friedman LA, Yanovski JA, Greenhut SF, Chandler DW, Franklin FA, Barton BA, Buckman DW, Snetselaar LG, Patterson BH, Schatzkin A, Taylor PR. Diet and sex hormones in girls: findings from a randomized controlled clinical trial. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003 Jan 15;95(2):132-41. PubMed

Douglas JP, Perrin NA. Patients with HIV infection and mental illness: a study of clinical identification. Community Ment Health J. 2003 Dec;39(6):523-33. PubMed

El-Bastawissi A, McAfee T, Zbikowski SM, Hollis J, Stark M, Wassum K, Clark N, Barwinski R, Broughton E. The uninsured and Medicaid Oregon tobacco user experience in a real world, phone based cessation programme. Tob Control. 2003 Mar;12(1):45-51. PubMed

Erlinger TP, Vollmer WM, Svetkey LP, Appel LJ. The potential impact of nonpharmacologic population-wide blood pressure reduction on coronary heart disease events: pronounced benefits in African-Americans and hypertensives. Prev Med. 2003 Oct;37(4):327-33. PubMed

Feldstein A, Elmer PJ, Orwoll E, Herson M, Hillier T. Bone mineral density measurement and treatment for osteoporosis in older individuals with fractures: a gap in evidence-based practice guideline implementation. Arch Intern Med. 2003 Oct 13;163(18):2165-72. PubMed

Feldstein AC, Nichols GA, Elmer PJ, Smith DH, Aickin M, Herson M. Older women with fractures: patients falling through the cracks of guideline-recommended osteoporosis screening and treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2003 Dec;85-A(12):2294-302. PubMed

Finkelstein JA, Stille C, Nordin J, Davis R, Raebel MA, Roblin D, Go AS, Smith D, Johnson CC, Kleinman K, Chan KA, Platt R. Reduction in antibiotic use among US children, 1996-2000. Pediatrics. 2003 Sep;112(3 Pt 1):620-7. PubMed

Fischer LR, Green CA, Goodman MJ, Brody KK, Aickin M, Wei F, Phelps LW, Leutz W. Community-based care and risk of nursing home placement. Med Care. 2003 Dec;41(12):1407-16. PubMed

Fishman PA, Goodman MJ, Hornbrook MC, Meenan RT, Bachman DJ, O'Keeffe Rosetti MC. Risk adjustment using automated ambulatory pharmacy data: the RxRisk model. Med Care. 2003 Jan;41(1):84-99. PubMed

Forshee RA, Storey ML, Ritenbaugh C. Breast cancer risk and lifestyle differences among premenopausal and postmenopausal African-American women and white women. Cancer. 2003 Jan 1;97(1 Suppl):280-8. PubMed

Geiger AM, Greene SM, Pardee RE 3rd, Hart G, Herrinton LJ, Macedo AM, Rolnick S, Harris EL, Barton MB, Elmore JG, Fletcher SW. A computerized system to facilitate medical record abstraction in cancer research (United States). Cancer Causes Control. 2003 Jun;14(5):469-76. PubMed

Goins KV, Zapka JG, Geiger AM, Solberg LI, Taplin S, Yood MU, Gilbert J, Mouchawar J, Somkin CP, Weinmann S. Implementation of systems strategies for breast and cervical cancer screening services in health maintenance organizations. Am J Manag Care. 2003 Nov;9(11):745-55. PubMed

Green CA, Polen MR, Brody KK. Depression, functional status, treatment for psychiatric problems, and the health-related practices of elderly HMO members. Am J Health Promot. 2003 Mar-Apr;17(4):269-75. PubMed

Green CA, Polen MR, Perrin NA. Structural models of gender, alcohol consumption, and health. Subst Use Misuse. 2003 Jan;38(1):97-125. PubMed

Green CA, Vuckovic N, Bourgeois P, deJesus A, Hornbrook M, Brody K, McKenzie M. Infants, children, and non-elderly adults with disabilities. In: Leutz W, Greenlick M, Nonnenkamp L, editors. Linking Medical Care and Community Cervices: Practical Models for Bridging the Gap. New york: Springer Publishing; 2003. PubMed

Grumbach MM, Biller BM, Braunstein GD, Campbell KK, Carney JA, Godley PA, Harris EL, Lee JK, Oertel YC, Posner MC, Schlechte JA, Wieand HS. Management of the clinically inapparent adrenal mass ('incidentaloma'). Ann Intern Med. 2003 Mar 4;138(5):424-9. PubMed

Hays J, Ockene JK, Brunner RL, Kotchen JM, Manson JE, Patterson RE, Aragaki AK, Shumaker SA, Brzyski RG, LaCroix AZ, Granek IA, Valanis BG, Women's Health Initiative Investigators. Effects of estrogen plus progestin on health-related quality of life. N Engl J Med. 2003 May 8;348(19):1839-54. Epub 2003 Mar 17. PubMed

Hazlehurst B. The cockpit as multiple activity system: A computational model for understanding situated team performance. Int J Aviat Psychol.2003;13(1):1-22. PubMed

Hazlehurst B, McMullen C, Gorman P. Getting the right tools for the job: Preparatory system configuration and active replanning in cardiac surgery. Conf Proc IEEE Int Conf Syst Man Cybern. 2003 Oct;2:1784-91. Epub 2003 Nov 17. PubMed

Hazlehurst B, McMullen C, Gorman P, Sittig D. How the ICU follows orders: care delivery as a complex activity system. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003:284-8. PubMed

Hickam DH, Severance S, Feldstein A, Ray L, Gorman P, Schuldheis S, Hersh WR, Krages KP, Helfand M, Wingenfeld S, Davies P. The effect of health care working conditions on patient safety. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(US); 2003 Apr. Publication No.: 03-E031 PubMed

Hillier TA, Pedula KL. Complications in young adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes: losing the relative protection of youth. Diabetes Care. 2003 Nov;26(11):2999-3005. PubMed

Hillier TA, Rizzo JH, Pedula KL, Stone KL, Cauley JA, Bauer DC, Cummings SR. Nulliparity and fracture risk in older women: the study of osteoporotic fractures. J Bone Miner Res. 2003 May;18(5):893-9. PubMed

Hollis JF, Polen MR, Lichtenstein E, Whitlock EP. Tobacco use patterns and attitudes among teens being seen for routine primary care. Am J Health Promot. 2003 Mar-Apr;17(4):231-9. PubMed

Ihle W, Herrle J, Jahnke D, Clarke GN, Lewinsohn PM, Hops H. Das kognitive-verhaltenstherapeutische gruppenprogramm Stimmungsprobleme bewältigen: Arbeitsbuch für Kursteilnehmer. In: Ihle W, Herrle J, editors. Stimmungsprobleme bewältigen. Tübingen: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie; 2003. PubMed

Irigoyen-Camacho ME, Zepeda-Zepeda MA, Maupome G, Lopez-Camara V. Attitudes of a group of Mexico City residents toward HIV/AIDS in the dental office. Am J Infect Control. 2003 Jun;31(4):231-6. PubMed

Leutz W, Au A, Brody KK, Keyes C, Flaherty-Robb M, Percy P. Individuals with disabilities and their families. In: Leutz W, Greenlick M, Nonnenkamp L, editors. Linking Medical Care and Community Services: Practical Models for Bridging the Gap. New york: Springer Publishing; 2003. PubMed

Leutz W, Greenlick M, Brody KK. Manifesto 2005. In: Leutz W, Greenlick M, Nonnenkamp L, editors. Linking Medical Care and Community Services: Practical Models for Bridging the Gap. New york: Springer Publishing; 2003. PubMed

Leutz W, Greenlick M, DellaPenna R, Thomas E. A prototype for 2005. In: Leutz W, Greenlick M, Nonnenkamp L, editors. Linking Medical Care and Community Services: Practical Models for Bridging the Gap. New york: Springer Publishing; 2003. PubMed

Lewinsohn PM, Clarke GN, Hops H. Vorwort. In: Ihle W, Herrle J, editors. Stimmungsprobleme bewältigen. Tübingen: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie; 2003. PubMed

Lin J, Fosnot J, Edmond J. Bilateral angle closure glaucoma in a child receiving oral topiramate. J AAPOS. 2003 Feb;7(1):66-8. PubMed

Lin PH, Proschan MA, Bray GA, Fernandez CP, Hoben K, Most-Windhauser M, Karanja N, Obarzanek E, DASH Collaborative Research Group. Estimation of energy requirements in a controlled feeding trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Mar;77(3):639-45. PubMed

Lui LY, Stone K, Cauley JA, Hillier T, Yaffe K. Bone loss predicts subsequent cognitive decline in older women: the study of osteoporotic fractures. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2003 Jan;51(1):38-43. PubMed

MacKinnon DP, Goldberg L, Cheong J, Elliot DL, Clarke G, Moe EL. Male body image and physical measurements: Do leaner or stronger adolescents have a more positive body image?. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 2003 Sep;25(3):307-22. PubMed

Maupome G. Long-term medication use may, or may not, be a significant risk factor for increased caries experience in older Australians. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2003 Dec;3(4):227-8. Epub 2004 Jan 8. PubMed

Maupome G, Gullion CM, White BA, Wyatt CC, Williams PM. Oral disorders and chronic systemic diseases in very old adults living in institutions. Spec Care Dentist. 2003 Nov-Dec;23(6):199-208. PubMed

Maupome G, Shulman JD, Clark DC, Levy SM. Socio-demographic features and fluoride technologies contributing to higher fluorosis scores in permanent teeth of Canadian children. Caries Res. 2003 Sep-Oct;37(5):327-34. PubMed

McLaren CE, Barton JC, Adams PC, Harris EL, Acton RT, Press N, Reboussin DM, McLaren GD, Sholinsky P, Walker AP, Gordeuk VR, Leiendecker-Foster C, Dawkins FW, Eckfeldt JH, Mellen BG, Speechley M, Thomson E, Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Study Research. Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Screening (HEIRS) study design for an evaluation of 100,000 primary care-based adults. Am J Med Sci. 2003 Feb;325(2):53-62. PubMed

Meenan RT, Goodman MJ, Fishman PA, Hornbrook MC, O'Keeffe-Rosetti MC, Bachman DJ. Using risk-adjustment models to identify high-cost risks. Med Care. 2003 Nov;41(11):1301-12. PubMed

Mell LK, Davis RL, Mullooly JP, Black SB, Shinefield HR, Zangwill KM, Ward JI, Marcy SM, Chen RT, CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink Project. Polio extraimmunization in children younger than 2 years after changes in immunization recommendations. Pediatrics. 2003 Feb;111(2):296-301. PubMed

Moscato SR, David M, Valanis B, Gullion CM, Tanner C, Shapiro S, Izumi S, Mayo A. Tool development for measuring caller satisfaction and outcome with telephone advice nursing. Clin Nurs Res. 2003 Aug;12(3):266-81. PubMed

Mouchawar J, Valentine Goins K, Somkin C, Puleo E, Hensley Alford S, Geiger AM, Taplin S, Gilbert J, Weinmann S, Zapka J. Guidelines for breast and ovarian cancer genetic counseling referral: adoption and implementation in HMOs. Genet Med. 2003 Nov-Dec;5(6):444-50. PubMed

Naleway AL, Belongia EA, Greenlee RT, Kieke BA Jr, Chen RT, Shay DK. Eczematous skin disease and recall of past diagnoses: implications for smallpox vaccination. Ann Intern Med. 2003 Jul 1;139(1):1-7. PubMed

Nichols GA, Brown JB. Unadjusted and adjusted prevalence of diagnosed depression in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2003 Mar;26(3):744-9. PubMed

Obarzanek E, Proschan MA, Vollmer WM, Moore TJ, Sacks FM, Appel LJ, Svetkey LP, Most-Windhauser MM, Cutler JA. Individual blood pressure responses to changes in salt intake: results from the DASH-Sodium trial. Hypertension. 2003 Oct;42(4):459-67. Epub 2003 Sep 2. PubMed

Omenaas E, Fluge O, Buist AS, Vollmer WM, Gulsvik A. Dietary vitamin C intake is inversely related to cough and wheeze in young smokers. Respir Med. 2003 Feb;97(2):134-42. PubMed

Pbert L, Vuckovic N, Ockene JK, Hollis JF, Riedlinger K. Developing and testing new smoking measures for the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set. Med Care. 2003 Apr;41(4):550-9. PubMed

Reisch LM, Fosse JS, Beverly K, Yu O, Barlow WE, Harris EL, Rolnick S, Barton MB, Geiger AM, Herrinton LJ, Greene SM, Fletcher SW, Elmore JG. Training, quality assurance, and assessment of medical record abstraction in a multisite study. Am J Epidemiol. 2003 Mar 15;157(6):546-51. PubMed

Ritenbaugh C, Patterson RE, Chlebowski RT, Caan B, Fels-Tinker L, Howard B, Ockene J. The Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification trial: overview and baseline characteristics of participants. Ann Epidemiol. 2003 Oct;13(9 Suppl):S87-97. PubMed

Ritenbaugh C, Teufel-Shone NI, Aickin MG, Joe JR, Poirier S, Dillingham DC, Johnson D, Henning S, Cole SM, Cockerham D. A lifestyle intervention improves plasma insulin levels among Native American high school youth. Prev Med. 2003 Mar;36(3):309-19. PubMed

Ritenbaugh C, Verhoef M, Fleishman S, Boon H, Leis A. Whole systems research: a discipline for studying complementary and alternative medicine. Altern Ther Health Med. 2003 Jul-Aug;9(4):32-6. PubMed

Sacks FM, Appel LJ, Bray GA, Conlin PR, Moore TJ, Svetkey LP, Vollmer WM. Sodium and blood pressure: no data dredging, please!. Am J Hypertens. 2003 Jul;16(7):614-6. PubMed

Schneider J, Vuckovic N, DeBar L. Willingness to participate in complementary and alternative medicine clinical trials among patients with craniofacial disorders. J Altern Complement Med. 2003 Jun;9(3):389-401. PubMed

Shaw KB, Mist S, Dixon MW, Goldby M, Weih J, Bauer VK, Ritenbaugh C. The Oregon Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine career development program: innovation in research training for complementary and alternative medicine. Teach Learn Med. 2003 Winter;15(1):45-51. PubMed

Sherman ME, Lorincz AT, Scott DR, Wacholder S, Castle PE, Glass AG, Mielzynska-Lohnas I, Rush BB, Schiffman M. Baseline cytology, human papillomavirus testing, and risk for cervical neoplasia: a 10-year cohort analysis. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003 Jan 1;95(1):46-52. PubMed

Solberg LI, Hollis JA, Stevens VJ, Rigotti NA, Quinn VP, Aickin M. Does methodology affect the ability to monitor tobacco control activities? implications for HEDIS and other performance measures. Prev Med. 2003 Jul;37(1):33-40. PubMed

Stevens VJ, Glasgow RE, Toobert DJ, Karanja N, Smith KS. One-year results from a brief, computer-assisted intervention to decrease consumption of fat and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. Prev Med. 2003 May;36(5):594-600. PubMed

Svetkey LP, Harsha DW, Vollmer WM, Stevens VJ, Obarzanek E, Elmer PJ, Lin PH, Champagne C, Simons-Morton DG, Aickin M, Proschan MA, Appel LJ. Premier: a clinical trial of comprehensive lifestyle modification for blood pressure control: rationale, design and baseline characteristics. Ann Epidemiol. 2003 Jul;13(6):462-71. PubMed

Treatment for Adolescents With Depression Study Team. Treatment for Adolescents With Depression Study (TADS): rationale, design, and methods. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2003 May;42(5):531-42. PubMed

Valanis B. Nursing. Nurs Outlook. 2003 Mar-Apr;51(2):51. PubMed

Valanis B, Labuhn KT, Stevens NH, Lichtenstein E, Brody KK. Integrating prenatal-postnatal smoking interventions into usual care in a health maintenance organization. Health Promot Pract. 2003 Jul;4(3):236-48. PubMed

Valanis B, Tanner C, Moscato SR, Shapiro S, Izumi S, David M, Keyes C, Mayo A. A model for examining predictors of outcomes of telephone nursing advice. J Nurs Adm. 2003 Feb;33(2):91-5. PubMed

Valanis B, Whitlock EE, Mullooly J, Vogt T, Smith S, Chen C, Glasgow RE. Screening rarely screened women: time-to-service and 24-month outcomes of tailored interventions. Prev Med. 2003 Nov;37(5):442-50. PubMed

Van Horn L, Obarzanek E, Barton BA, Stevens VJ, Kwiterovich PO Jr, Lasser NL, Robson AM, Franklin FA Jr, Lauer RM, Kimm SY, Dorgan JF, Greenlick MR. A summary of results of the Dietary Intervention Study in Children (DISC): lessons learned. Prog Cardiovasc Nurs. 2003 Winter;18(1):28-41. PubMed

Verstraeten T, Jumaan AO, Mullooly JP, Seward JF, Izurieta HS, DeStefano F, Black SB, Chen RT, Vaccine Safety Datalink Research Group. A retrospective cohort study of the association of varicella vaccine failure with asthma, steroid use, age at vaccination, and measles-mumps-rubella vaccination. Pediatrics. 2003 Aug;112(2):e98-103. PubMed

Vogt TM, Glass A, Glasgow RE, La Chance PA, Lichtenstein E. The safety net: a cost-effective approach to improving breast and cervical cancer screening. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2003 Oct;12(8):789-98. PubMed

Vogt TM, Stevens VJ. Obesity research: Winning the battle, losing the war. Perm J. 2003;7(3):11-20. PubMed

Vuckovic N, Harris EL, Valanis B, Stewart B. Consumer knowledge and opinions of genetic testing for breast cancer risk. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003 Oct;189(4 Suppl):S48-53. PubMed

Vuckovic N, Polen MR, Hollis JF. The problem is getting us to stop. What teens say about smoking cessation. Prev Med. 2003 Sep;37(3):209-18. PubMed

Wang C, Pattabiraman N, Zhou JN, Fu M, Sakamaki T, Albanese C, Li Z, Wu K, Hulit J, Neumeister P, Novikoff PM, Brownlee M, Scherer PE, Jones JG, Whitney KD, Donehower LA, Harris EL, Rohan T, Johns DC, Pestell RG. Cyclin D1 repression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma expression and transactivation. Mol Cell Biol. 2003 Sep;23(17):6159-73. PubMed

Whitlock EP. Alcohol screening in primary care: Behind the numbers. BMJ. 2003 Dec 20;327(7429):E263-4; discussion E265. PubMed

Whitlock EP, Williams SB. The primary prevention of heart disease in women through health behavior change promotion in primary care. Womens Health Issues. 2003 Jul-Aug;13(4):122-41. PubMed

Zellweger T, Ninck C, Mirlacher M, Annefeld M, Glass AG, Gasser TC, Mihatsch MJ, Gelmann EP, Bubendorf L. Tissue microarray analysis reveals prognostic significance of syndecan-1 expression in prostate cancer. Prostate. 2003 Apr 1;55(1):20-9. PubMed

Zito JM, Safer DJ, DosReis S, Gardner JF, Magder L, Soeken K, Boles M, Lynch F, Riddle MA. Psychotropic practice patterns for youth: a 10-year perspective. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003 Jan;157(1):17-25. PubMed

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