
Mailed FIT Outreach for Colorectal Cancer Screening


PRIME logo

PRIME, 2022-2027 -

The goal of our project, Community Partnership for Telehealth Solutions to Counter Misinformation and Achieve Equity (PRIME) is to use novel solutions to motivate Latinx community members to obtain needed preventive care services. PRIME leverages partnerships with community organizations in the greater Los Angeles area to provide personalized, culturally relevant support services informed by local knowledge and neighborhood-level social needs data.

Our large-scale pragmatic study will test the effectiveness of video text messages to promote colorectal cancer screening and follow-up activities in neighborhoods where there is greatest need. We will involve 20 neighborhoods with 3,000 patients aged 45-54. To assess effectiveness, we will gauge differences in screening rates in neighborhoods that receive our program and neighborhoods that receive care as usual. In the final year, we will scale-up the program to additional neighborhoods.


RESTORE, 2021-2026 -

Mailing FIT kits directly to patients homes can be an effective way to screen more patients for colorectal cancer even during natural disasters, such as pandemics. In RESTORE, we are testing the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on colorectal cancer screening and follow-up, and discovering ways that community health centers can fully recover from such impacts.

RESTORE involves a collaboration among our team, AltaMed Health Services, and RAND.

Smarter-CRC logo

SMARTER CRC, 2019-2024 -

In SMARTER CRC, we are adapting, pilot-testing, then testing the implementation and scale-up of a program that combines targeted mailed FIT outreach and patient navigation. For this project, our team has partnered with the Oregon Rural Practice-Based Research Network, rural health clinics, Medicaid health plans, and commercial direct-mail vendors. SMARTER CRC is a five-year study, funded by the National Cancer Institute as part of the Biden Moonshot Initiative.

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Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Health Authority (OHA), 2019-2024 -

In the Oregon Health Authority’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program, we are partnering with the Oregon Rural Practice-Based Research Network, the Native American Rehabilitation Association, and local clinics to implement evidence-based strategies to increase colorectal cancer screening rates. Our team delivers tailored trainings to providers and staff, including community health workers. We also develop culturally tailored patient-facing materials to promote colorectal cancer screening and follow-up. The Colorectal Cancer Control Program is a five-year effort, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Precise logo

PRECISE, 2018-2023 -

In The Predicting and Addressing Colonoscopy Non-adherence in Community Settings (PRECISE) study, we are testing a targeted patient navigation program to support patients who screen abnormal on FIT. PRECISE is among the first studies to use a data-driven method of selecting patients for patient navigation. PRECISE builds on a long-term partnership between Dr. Coronado and Sea Mar Community Health Centers, a large Seattle-based Latino-serving health center. PRECISE is a five-year study, funded by the National Cancer Institute.

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BeneFIT logo

BENEFIT, 2016-2020 -

Pilot Program of Mailed FITs to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates (BeneFIT) was a 4-year project to boost colorectal cancer screening among Medicaid and dual Medicaid-Medicare enrollees. BeneFIT tested two models for delivering mailed FIT outreach, a ‘centralized’ model where most activities were carried out by the health plan, and a ‘collaborative’ model where the activities were carried out by both the health plan and individual clinics.

BeneFIT involved a partnership among our team and scientists and clinicians at the University of Washington and the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute. BeneFIT was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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PROMPT, 2015-2021 -

The Participatory Research to Advance Colon Cancer Prevention (PROMPT) study collaborated closely with patients and clinical staff to craft personalized messages and novel approaches for a mailed FIT outreach program tailored for Latino populations.

PROMPT was a 5-year partnership among our team and scientists at Oregon Health & Science University and AltaMed Health Services. PROMPT was funded by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities.

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Stop-CRC logo

STOP CRC, 2012-2018 -

Strategies and Opportunities to STOP Colorectal Cancer in Priority Populations (STOP CRC), was one of the first studies to test a mailed FIT outreach program in real-life conditions. The study partnered with federally qualified health center clinics and provided new tools to identify patients who needed colorectal cancer screening.

This 5-year project was led by members of our team and scientists and clinicians at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute and OCHIN. STOP CRC was funded by the Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory program at the National Institutes of Health.

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