Saward Art Collection Landscape Impressions painting by Harry Widman
Monolith painting by Louis Bunce
Beachcombers painting by Arthur Runquist The Saward Collection of 80-plus art 
pieces documents the outstanding artistic 
expression and growth that occurred in 
Oregon during the 1950s, 1960s, and early 
1970s. The collection's primary curator was 
Virginia Saward, the wife of the founding 
medical director of Kaiser Permanente's 
Northwest region, Dr. Ernest Saward. Her 
purpose in gathering the collection was to 
provide art for display at Kaiser Permanente 
medical offices. The Saward Collection is 
one of the premier corporate collections of 
Oregon art from this period. Most of the 
pieces are displayed at the Center for Health 
Research in North Portland, with other pieces 
displayed throughout Kaiser Permanente's 
Northwest region.
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Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research